You can refine your investing research with CNBC Pro's new Stock Screener, which allows you to quickly sort data and criteria to discover relevant stocks.
For basic tips on how to use the Pro stock screener, you can view this tutorial from CNBC's Dominic Chu:
Some ways you can use the stock screener:
- Save time and effort by eliminating the need to manually search through thousands of stocks
- Identify the stocks suited for your particular investing and wealth strategy
- Find potential investing ideas and opportunities you may have otherwise overlooked
- Analyze and draw comparisons between stocks within the same industry
Here are some examples of articles that use the stock screener for analysis:
- Beware of these expensive stocks that analysts don’t like
- Cheap stocks to buy after the worst sell-off in months
- These Dow stocks are bucking the average’s negative trend, and analysts love them
- Beware these debt-laden stocks breaking down under the weight of higher rates
- These 3 bank stocks are Wall Street’s favorites heading into earnings reports for the industry
Please note: The Pro Stock Screener is not yet available on CNBC mobile apps and can only be used on However, you can still access this tool on your mobile device via web browser.