If you requested a password reset but did not receive a reset email in your inbox, one of the following may have happened:
- The email was caught in your SPAM/Junk filter: Please be sure to check your spam/junk folder. If you are using Gmail, you may also want to check the Promotions tab. You may also want to add no-reply@cnbc.com and customercare@cnbc.com as a trusted source so our emails do not go into your spam folder in the future.
- If you are using your work/corporate email, the message may be stuck in "quarantine." Please check with your system administrator if there is an email quarantine and confirm if the email needs to be released.
- Your CNBC account is registered under a different email address. Please double check to make sure there isn't another email address you may have used to sign up on cnbc.com.
- Your email was removed from CNBC's database. Emails are removed from our system if a customer submits a data deletion request or as part of a periodic data purge of inactive accounts to safeguard against possible data breaches. If you suspect that your account might be among those affected in the purge, please contact our Customer Care team here or by emailing CustomerCare@cnbc.com.