If the Reset Password link from your email does not open to a page that allows you to reset your password, please try the steps below.
On CNBC mobile app
If clicking on the password reset link redirects you to the CNBC app without any pop-up to reset your password, you can try copying and pasting the password reset URL into a mobile web browser.
Here are the detailed steps for copying and pasting the URL:
- Return to the Password Reset email and press and hold on the "Reset Password" hyperlink. Select Copy Link when you see the following:
- Open a mobile browser (e.g. Safari, Chrome) and Paste the copied url to the address bar as shown below.
- Tap Go, and this should open to CNBC.com homepage with a reset pop-up, from which you can reset your password.
If the clicking on the "Reset Password" link pop-up opens and disappears immediately, please try the steps below:
- Go to CNBC.com and check the account sign-in area on top right of the homepage to confirm that the page is not already logged in under a different account. If it says "My Account" (instead of "Sign in"), you will need to sign out before clicking on the Reset Password link again.
- If above step does not work, try opening an incognito/private window in your browser and try again.
If the steps above still do not work, please contact CNBC Customer Care by filling out the webform here or emailing customercare@cnbc.com.